Tuesday, March 9, 2010

New She & Him Music Video

She & Him "In The Sun"

First off, this validates more the excitement I have for the new album. However, I also recognize that it's easy as fuck to make catchy pop... and seeing as they did it before I have a lot of confidence in them this time as well.

Second off, I really want to hate on Zooey Deschanel, but my best efforts seem to be rendered useless.

Finally, when did M. Ward start looking like Robert Downey Jr.?

Monday, March 8, 2010


Starting off from youngest to oldest:

First off, Toy Story 3.

Nothing excites me more than raising my middle finger to children with the "back in my day" mentality. All these little Wall-E and Finding Nemo Disney kids have no idea what to expect when millions of young adults and college students invade their territory and drop some serious knowledge on them.

Tron Legacy. This brings out like no other my nerd side. I love Jeff Bridges (so topical!), and I'm glad to see him come back as the crazy, (most likely) stoned bastard he is to reprise the best remake this year. Nothing says you're slightly original by making a movie that ADDS to the first movie by having it be shinier.

Iron Man 2. I have never even seen the first one, but:
A. I love Robert Downey Jr.
B. I love Mickey Rourke looking very Mickey Rourke-esque.
C. What the fuck happened to Don Cheadle?

Robin Hood. Now what bothers me about this (and consequently intrigues me) is that the original concept for this movie was called "Nottingham". Crowe was suppose to play the Sheriff of Nottingham and the villain was Robin Hood. I'm not sure how that wouldn't have worked better but I'm interested to see how a slightly bloated Australian is going to play the hero was known to be nimble as a fox.

Finally Inception. Years ago a friend introduced me to Momento, and at the time I discredited. I look back now and realize that Christopher Nolan is truly the most original big budget man in Hollywood. To this moment now, I still have no fucking clue what this movie is about, but I'm faithful enough to believe that whatever this is, it will be fantastic.

Sorry about the wait, folks. Can I get you started with something to drink?

My sincerest apologies. I think a major part of owning a blog would be specifically... blogging.

The joy that not having to cite sources and check facts is one that has escaped me temporarily

...and by "temporarily" I mean "for two months".

Anyways as soon as I finish this paper about Merle Haggard's correlation with texts cited from Kent Ono and John Sloop's definition of vernacular discourse, I PROMISE to get back on the wagon.

I've been out for a while getting distracted grading papers and writing my own, but that is no excuse.

...and that also doesn't mean I've lost my ability to write in ways that masturbate my brain (i.e. critical thinking skills).

Some topics I'll be discussing very VERY soon are:

-I need to post some hedonistic trailers that make me feel like a 14-year-old (first and foremost). This one might turn into more.

-"The Unsolicited Defense of Sarah Palin's Handjob"

-"Deeeeeliiiiilaaaahh: The Forgotten Post"

-"A Response To Something I Wrote A Long Time Ago or 'Country Music: The Sequel'"

-"The Glorious Age of Debauchery"

-"Libertarian Thought vs. The Tea Party: A Slightly Critical Analysis"

I'll be good. I promise.