Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Things I've learned in college (as of this week) part. 3

There is no way to describe what comfort Scrubs reruns give to me.

and i never seem to be around when they're on!

Things I've learned in college (as of this week) part. 2

Listening to "A Better Son/Daughter" by Rilo Kiley on a sunny day will make you laugh out loud in a group of kids you don't know.

because sometimes when you're on,



Month's back I posed the question to a colleague and eternal lover of mine a weird and deeply personal question (sort of inappropriately) via text message regarding the "death soundtrack"

a night prior I had been reading Killing Yourself To Live and the question was posed because of the excerpt regarding the author of Prozac Nation (the author's name is escaping me right now) and her desire to hypothetically kill herself to a song of her choice.

There was a long drawn out discussion as to if someone was legitimately going to kill themselves if they were worrying about the song they wanted to die to.

Which is a good question but I've decided that the question is merely trivial and the only ones who dwell on it are those either:

a. melodramatic

b. have vast music knowledge and are completely bored

(which in my case is mostly b)

anyways the bulk of my mind wandered for an entire workday driving through the state park on a glorified golf cart and i realized that suicide probably wouldn't be quick enough (negating guns or hanging) for just one song.

so my original decision if forced into said situation would be "Down By The River" by Neil Young, how I would do it probably bleed out, but I never could figure that part out.

so I got home and attempted to make a "goodbye" mix, which i had to stop because: 

a.  It's incredibly morbid and creepy to realize that you're actually making, essentially, a suicide mix

b.  It's really really fucking difficult

but as I was going through my collection I stumbled upon Beck's "Sea Change"

and I realized that the entire album is a giant kill-yourself-fest.

... also a good hang-over mix

so i've declared that anyone who is ACTUALLY  going to kill themselves to music is slightly on the pretentious side.

and it's damn near impossible to decide on a song OR an album

and I'd  probably something ironic or goofy

... probably  Kanye's "The New Workout Plan"

do work, son

Monday, September 29, 2008

Sunday, September 28, 2008

I revert you back to this because of his passing

I'm not really sure if I'm sad because Paul Newman died. It's not like he really effected my life past the year of 1975, albeit he was a phenomenal actor (enough to be in two of my all time favorite movies.)

R.I.P. you usually shirtless, talented, handsome bastard.

And now i re-revert to the most singlehandedly amazing piece of work in his career, which would also rank it in the top five of everything forever.

the last scene from The Hustler (which I also feels has a bit of closure and a great conclusion to a memorial to him in any instance)

Last Wednesday's Playlist

It was good to be back in the saddle.  It felt right and made me happy about my lost seat of glory.  So here we go again.

Apples In Stereo: 7 Stars
Okkervil River: Lost Coastlines
Black Kids: I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How To Dance With You
Old Crow Medicine Show: Humdinger
Fleet Foxes: Ragged Wood
The Black Keys: Your Touch
The Growers: To The Threads
Beck: Orphans
Kimya Dawson: Louie
Otis Redding: I've Been Loving You Too Long
Cold War Kids: Red Wine, Success!
Horse Feathers: Working Poor
King Khan and The Shrines: Torture
Devo: Whip It
Lykke Li: Little Bit
Albert Hammond Jr.: Gfc
My Brightest Diamond: From The Top Of The World
CSS: Rat is Dead (Rage)
Blitzen Trapper: Gold For Bread
Saul Williams: List Of Demands
The Walkmen: Donde esta la Playa
Tilly & The Wall: Chandelier Lake
Ra Ra Riot: Too Too Too Fast
Beck: Chemtrails
Ryan Adams: To Be Young
Rilo Kiley: Science vs. Romance

Friday, September 26, 2008

The Birk Economic Plan

It's very rare where me and my mom send e-mails back and forth that we agree on (i.e. the "secret muslim/obama hates america" emails with excerpts taken out of context)

but this time around I felt totally in agreement and thought I'd share the link.

Things I've learned in college (as of this week)

1. My poly sci teacher:

a. slightly boring

b. has a very shiny head

c. is more of a hipster than myself or fellow hipsters

d. vaguely resembles Howie Mandel (bald head AND soul patch)

e. makes me realize that all poly sci majors would make GREAT drinking buddies (as well as econ majors)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

That Tina Fey skit with Amy Poehler about Clinton and Sarah Palin

Is a fucking juggernaut.

In three days it has surrounded the entire (small) population of this campus. AND I still haven't seen it.

But it's doing in three days what Lil' Wayne did in three months.
This man is Neil Patrick Harris:

And I could not remember his fucking name, WHICH, was brought up more times in one day than it had been in a year. 

AND I would keep doing the whole "oh, um... ok that guy from doogie houser... umm god dammit."

I really don't understand the appeal of marijuana...

Friday, September 12, 2008

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Kate Perry is a whore

There's a difference between celebrating bisexuality and glorifying yourself to turn on the same guys who are into date rape and beer bongs.

Kate Perry is somewhere on the spectrum with tatu.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

God Dammit.  America, you are stupid.

I am literally watching Sarah Palin lie to a crowd about what she's done for Alaska, and nobody is ostracizing this horrible bitch.

McCain has been molested by the pander machine.  Way to take that maverick appeal and sell it for the party that has nothing to do with it.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

(This is a little outdated)

My biggest fear:

Growing up to be in a position in which I'm required to sell items based on themes having to do with a current event.

Such as basic cable commercials  claiming we have "Olympic-Sized Sales on Mattresses; Posturepedic, Spring, and Tempur Material" 

or radio commercials claiming a "Memorial Day sale you won't soon forget" when, in reality, you will the moment you change that dial.

Thank god I clean toilets for money.

Friday, September 5, 2008

My theory:

I think I figured out why he picked Sarah Palin.

ok stick with me here:


Three Way?

I don't ever spell check my entries.

I'm in a crisis. It's something that has taken a hold of everything I think and torn it to shreds. It has kept me up at night and my diet, though usually generous and full, has gone down to a minimum. My family is starting to wonder what is making me upset, so I thought i'd finally start with the divulging.

I can't seem to figure out whether Good Will Hunting is the most brilliant movie I've ever seen or the worst movie I've ever seen.

There's no way it can be anywhere in the middle because there's something so confident about the style of that movie that i'm not sure that it's either:

A: So overwhelming with it's story that it makes the script seem completely tacky


B: Genuinely brilliant with it's storyline and character development.

-Nowak Attack may have exaggerated his distressed over the conflict

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

My new favorite game

It's called "Find the black guy in the crowd"

It's a lot more challenging when you're watching the Republican National Convention.

I found two.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Sarah Palin is soooo fucked.

Monday, September 1, 2008

summery summary

I acknowledge i still have exactly one week left of summer, but the major aspects of my summer have now diminished (my best friend leaving, no longer being employed, etc).  Anyways this is my grab ass list of shit that will make this summer nostalgic.

-The 12th Chapter from Part 1 in On The Road.  (The chapter where Sal Paradise meets Terry and they make love in the hotel room and fall in love before things go to shit for their relationship.)

-This Album Cover:

-The last 40 seconds of the song "Chemtrails" by Beck.

-This Music Video:

and three of you are now going "Why did he post that video again?"

-because this video is fucking hilarious and ridiculous, and so was this summer.


I spent most of my final day of work (!) discussing with my co-worker Sen. McCain's v.p. choice of Sarah Palin.

We both came to the consensus that it was a bold yet very feeble attempt to try and sway the hardcore Hilary disciples. The pros and cons were weighed very delicately and we came to a gentlemanly consensus.

Then I got home and called one of my buddies over while i was watching some msnbc about Palin. So when my buddy finally made it over the first question to him was "Hey, Vance, what do you think about McCain's V.P. choice?"

He looked at me and then said without hesitation said

"Oh dude, I'd totally fuck her."

I love my friends.