Friday, March 18, 2011

I probably should have done this four months ago...

... but I've been doing a new radio show for over 4 months now.

If the Blues Are A Rockin', Don't Come A Knockin' is a radio show mixing together the blues in all different senses of the word.  A lot of 60s soul, Delta Blues, Punk Blues (Soledad Brothers, The Black Keys, etc.), Funk, and so and and so forth.

I just found out a couple days ago that the time is staying exactly the same which is Sundays from 4-6pm.

You can hear my audible hodgepodge (for locals) at 89.3 fm or at

Oh hey!

Another quarter has passed (barely), and with that here I am.  So... hey!

If there's a tone for the next few upcoming months, it's this:

Posting this may have been inspired by an episode of Freaks and Geeks I watched last night.  I don't want to go there right now, but I will say that Rush is a terrible band.

Actually, that might actually be more abrasive...

Rush still sucks.