Friday, January 2, 2009

The Foxes! '08

For some reason the last few months have been drawn to:
A. Brunettes
B. Outrageously perfect figures

Now I suppose this is a little chauvinistic but don't blame me.  I simply stumbled upon these women and was drawn to them.  Besides, a blog titled "The Foxes!" is a little simpleminded to begin with.

ANYWAYS here's my choices for my biggest crushes of 2008.

The Incumbent: Kate Nash:

The reason I love Kate Nash so much (well, besides the British accent and the red hair) is the fact that I've probably got a better shot at dating this girl than any other on this list.  Ya know, she's 21, I'm... almost 20.  I could be at like, idontknow, at a coffee shop in Portland during the summer and she might be on tour there and she gets out to get some air and we could share a couple cigarettes while she sits at my table and we could talk about... books? fuck idontknow.  Point is we get married.

Katy Perry:

I don't understand why I have such a crush on this women.  She's artificial.  Her songs are poor and glorified whorism.  She's basically an American Apparel model with a microphone.  But the more I bash her character the more attracted I am to her.  Maybe because she's so self aware that has something to do with it.

Carey Wilson:

Only seen her very sparingly on SNL but she's spazzy and stellar.  Everything I've seen her in (being the 3-10,000 skits I've seen her in) she's always funny and cute as hell, even if it's just a background part.  I just wish I'd see her in more stuff other than the TV I watch on Saturdays between 11:30 and 1:00 AM.

Mary Elizabeth Walker:

Such a fox.  First noticed in Deathproof (that shitty Tarantino Grindhouse deal).  She just ran around in a cheerleader outfit and just acted incredibly charming. She wasn't in it much, but when she was she played the dumb girl so ironically that I couldn't help but think that she could be amazing to talk to.  Other than that I literally have no idea who she is or what she's been in.  But she's fucking gorgeous.

Zooey Deschanel:

Fucking seriously.  She can't act her way out of a paper bag.  I'm not really sure how she gets into movies, but god damn.  She so subtly drips sexuality that I think of the atypical tease in high school that every shy guy wants because she doesn't want any of them... she's probably dating a sophomore in college but that just makes you want her that much more, and then you find out she's getting married to some guy named Ben and you know that's not gonna make her happy (but it's probably cause you're just jealous) so you have to hope for the best for her.

Oh right, and she sings like a fucking angel...

And finally... Jennifer Carpenter:

Oh yes, Debra Morgan from Dexter.  She's vulgar, she's aggressive, she's a little off center, she could probably out-drink me, she's perfect.  Oh wait, that's probably not how she is in real life.  It's just a TV show. 

Yeah well, fuck you.  A boy can dream.  Jennifer Carpenter, ladies and gentlemen.  Mmm.

1 comment:

Michael Lang said...

It occurs to me that you and I have the exact same opinion of Zooey Deschanel.