Sunday, December 21, 2008

Drunk. Alphabet.

I literally have not been home in 2 days.

A. The god damn snow. I don't care if it looks "like Christmas". I don't need or want to go 25 on the backroads. And it shouldn't last for more than the week it has.

B. Marines have the drinking tolerance of angry Irish dock worker in the 1930s, and expect nothing less of yourself.

C. The isolation I've experienced has been dwindling. But, man, that initial week here was very odd.

D. I've finally come to experience in it's entirety a Republican rant. Several times actually... with the phrase "Obama is a dip-shit!" included.

E. You can research and watch and read every piece of information about the Iraq War. You will never understand the war more than when you talk to someone who is about to relocate there in less than a month.

F. I really wish my sister would stop taking my IPod to listen to my Dashboard Confessional albums.

G. My Christmas spirit has disappeared drastically. It's become more like "Fuck you, you little consumerist whore" spirit.

H. Now don't get me wrong. I'm a fully admitted consumerist. But I'm not one to take the whole excitement associated with it and reciprocate it via blind lack of acknowledgment and paying $34.99 for the 5x7 framed photo of your son(s)/daughter(s) sitting on a strangers lap, who just happens to be dressed up like Santa.

I. I took more pleasure out of getting my family really expensive shit (including an attempt of financial rape via buying my friend's xbox 360 for 75% the original sticker price) than I have ever before.

J. It's incredibly difficult to do the following whilst drunk: smoke in a car that has no functioning windows, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, talk about anything other than politics and sex, not saying the "F" word, pool.

K. I've never seen such love and affection between two people in my life as I have with my best friend and his girlfriend. It's one those "makes you put some optimism back into your concept of love" loves.

L. Example: Several weeks ago my friend was concerned when he was in the middle of a conversation between his girlfriend and her friend. They were interested in getting their hands on some coke and he came to my room looking for advice. We proceeded to smoke for 20 minutes outside by the building. I simply gave him the advice I always do: "Nick, be a fucking man and go talk to her." To which he did. Several hours later he found me again with a big fat smile on his face (which I'm sure was associated with sex) and he told me that she had said (after explaining his concern about her doing coke) "I don't understand why you'd be worried about talking to me about this... The fact alone that you show this concern just makes me know that you love me that much more"

M. It's very difficult to have your heart melt in a manly way, but think I pulled it off. I think I used a lot of fist bumping...

N. Plus it makes me happy to see someone that genuinely happy after trudging through so many crazy bitches

O. My dad has no idea how to shop. None

P. My mom has no idea how to comprehend the fact that my dad has no idea how to shop. None

Q. My apologies if the punctuation and grammar isn't what it could be in this b. log


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