Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Oh no. Hell no.

...and in the final flames of collegiate activities and academia galore,  I am now 5 days away from graduation

apparently in college, finals week is more like a "victory lap" more than an actual week of studying.

Then again, I did finish up all my major requirements a quarter ago.

Anyways, the point is NOWAK ATTACK has gone from its sleepy sleepy hibernation to an up and coming meme-starting fully operational brain.

I've had a lot of recent theories on the brain as the computer, which I'll divulge later.

So watch the FUCK out for Nowak Attack 3.0, which may either be:

-A different url

-A different name

We'll see.

Also, if you're curious to know, The Passersby Post was accidentally deleted.

Yes, accidentally.

and now this:

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